

Almost a year ago I traveled to Europe for the first time. I had dreamed of visiting London and Paris for as long as I can remember, and, a couple years ago I had come to realize that if things kept going the way they were going that I was never going to get to London or Paris or anywhere else. So, I had some decisions to make. I chose to end my marriage and start living the life I used to dream of, before I got so entangled in someone else’s misery. I loved my ex-husband and I care for him a great deal but he was a true ball and chain. I’ve grown, lived, and learned a lot since I broke free from him, and it has been difficult but wonderful and beautiful all at the same time.

The photos above were taken at my first stops in Europe; downtown London, Windsor Castle and Stonehenge. I felt at home in these places, I fell in love with traveling, with England and with Me.

Sometimes the best choice is the hardest one to make, walking away from someone you love is painful but sometimes that is what is necessary. Just know that you are not alone, you are never alone.

Keep you head up and your heart open.

